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      • 该测试由服务器自动执行,对每个线路下的第一个视频,使用2个国内和美国的代理节点分别进行一次播放测试
      • 线路运营方可能会对播放地址进行不定期的调整或修复,所以测试结果不是永久有效的
      • 对于海外网络,由于服务器只使用了美国的代理节点进行测试,所以并不能代表其他国家网络下的播放效果
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        国内节点播放成功 美国节点播放失败 视频编码:h264 分辨率:1280x720 时长:53.14分钟 测试时间:2024-06-05

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        国内节点播放成功 美国节点播放成功 视频编码:h264 分辨率:1920x1080 时长:52.97分钟 测试时间:2024-06-05

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        国内节点播放失败 美国节点播放失败 测试时间:2024-06-05

      • 该线路首个视频已进行测试
        国内节点播放成功 美国节点播放失败 视频编码:h264 分辨率:1854x1000 时长:52.55分钟 测试时间:2024-06-05

      • 该线路首个视频已进行测试
        国内节点播放失败 美国节点播放成功 视频编码:h264 分辨率:1920x1080 时长:53.01分钟 测试时间:2024-06-05

      • 该线路首个视频已进行测试
        国内节点播放失败 美国节点播放失败 测试时间:2024-06-05

      • 该线路首个视频已进行测试
        国内节点播放失败 美国节点播放失败 测试时间:2024-06-05

      • 该线路首个视频已进行测试
        国内节点播放失败 美国节点播放失败 测试时间:2024-06-05

      云播放的线路得分 有??人反馈
    • 1080P

      百度云盘 万物生灵.圣诞特辑.1080p.冰冰字幕组.双语字幕.mp4 详情
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      百度云盘 WEBRip.1080p.CHS.中文字幕.mp4 详情
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      115网盘 WEBRip.1080p.CHS.中文字幕.mp4 详情
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      阿里云盘 万物生灵.圣诞特辑.1080p.冰冰字幕组.双语字幕.mp4 详情
      百度云盘 [2021][英国][剧情][单集] [BT下载][万物生灵:2021圣诞特别集 All Creatures Great and Small][全01集][英语中字][MP4/MKV][1080P] 详情
      [2021][英国][剧情][单集] [BT下载][万物生灵:2021圣诞特别集 All Creatures Great and Small][全01集][英语中字][MP4/MKV][1080P]
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      阿里云盘 [2021][英国][剧情][单集] [BT下载][万物生灵:2021圣诞特别集 All Creatures Great and Small][全01集][英语中字][MP4/MKV][1080P] 详情
      [2021][英国][剧情][单集] [BT下载][万物生灵:2021圣诞特别集 All Creatures Great and Small][全01集][英语中字][MP4/MKV][1080P]
      迅雷下载 All.Creatures.Great.and.Small.2020.S02SP1.HD1080P.X264.AAC.English.CHS-ENG.BDYS.mp4[1.1 GB] 详情
      All.Creatures.Great.and.Small.2020.S02SP1.HD1080P.X264.AAC.English.CHS-ENG.BDYS.mp4[1.1 GB]
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      万物生灵.圣诞特辑All.Creatures.Great.and.Small.2021.1080p.H265-NEW字幕组.mp4.torrent 详情
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      万物生灵:2021圣诞特别集.All.Creatures.Great.and.Small.2020.S02SP1.HD1080P.X264.AAC.English.CHS-ENG.BDYS[1.1 GB] 详情
      万物生灵:2021圣诞特别集.All.Creatures.Great.and.Small.2020.S02SP1.HD1080P.X264.AAC.English.CHS-ENG.BDYS[1.1 GB]
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      All Creatures Great and Small S02SP1 Christmas Special 2021.torrent 详情
      All Creatures Great and Small S02SP1 Christmas Special 2021.torrent
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    In the Christmas special, it’s Christmas in Darrowby, and Helen and James realise they haven’t agreed on where they’re spending Christmas Day. Mrs Hall is expecting them at Skeldale and Jenny is expecting them at Heston Grange, and the pair are reluctant to disappoint either of them. The situation raises bigger questions about what their lives will look like in the future. When a beloved local pet is taken seriously ill, Siegfried has to bring it into the practice for emergency treatment. In the face of such an emergency, Helen ends up feeling like a spare part at the Skeldale Christmas party, but fellow farmer Dave Kitson could end up being the solution to Helen finding her place at Skeldale, and the key to the animal’s survival. Tristan learns that it might be time to take himself more seriously and reveals some important news, while a card from James’s father asking him to phone them on Christmas Day leaves James on tenterhooks about whether he can make amends with his family.



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